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Using offshore programmers is more cost-effective than hiring domestic programmers and project managers. For example, in the United States you may spend from $80 to $150 an hour for a programmer's time. Working with LEADconcept you can save on average up to 75% of your cost, and can also gain savings in time, through using our serves. You have immediate access to the best developers. You can have a top-notch professional team working for you in no time. This is much faster than trying to staff a project in-house.
We have a team comprising of more than 50 members with the numbers still growing.
Estimates are based on a definite understanding of the client's requirements. This reduces the probability of a variation in the time and cost estimate of a project. MS Project is used to monitor and control the progress of projects and this allows for a tight control on the project estimate. This enables us to minimize a deviation from the expected quality standards. Weekly or daily reviews are conducted during the progress of the project to keep a tight control on the progress. The findings of the weekly status report are sent to the client. This allows the client to keep abreast of the progress of the project and also have better control over the project. Variance reports are studied and proactively used as projects progress. This helps us to continuously improve as an offshore development partner.
It's easy! You simply have to fill out a project request. Once you have submitted the form you need to wait for your project to be accepted. After this it will take a maximum of three working days to assign programmers and initiate your project. Anytime during this process you are welcome to contact LEADconcept for an update on the status of your request - get info on the status of your project on-line.
You will be provided with a schedule upfront. If this estimate includes parts that you feel are unnecessary or irrelevant, you should express your concerns to your programming team and the schedule shall be amended to meet your needs.
There are a number of approaches for reviewing status of the project: The Internet allows us to communicate with your as easily as if we were next door. We are able to provide you direct secure access to our site where you can participate in your project discussion database, download/upload all relevant to the project information, send orders and requests. We can provide you with regular status reports based on time reports from our developers. Regular updates of the schedule with specified current status provides upper level view to the state of project. You can require us to provide you with regular deliverables of interim results. This would be done either by giving you access to our site with interim builds (useful for Web applications) or by uploading you binary build. Based on reviewing these status artifacts you may propose changes to the project process, features, etc.
It is now easy and inexpensive to exchange data, voice, and video over very secure links. The least expensive method is via the Internet. Phone is often fairly expensive, but costs can be cut by using voice or video over IP. Once again the most convenient ways are E-mail, Skype, GoogleChat, Net meeting. Lots of tools allow you to talk directly to your programmer team in real time. It is also possible to appoint a team leader, if you prefer to have a single point of contact. You may even arrange them in to groups if you wish. You can be the project manager. It is recommended that you contact your developers daily. However, this is dependent upon your needs and the development of your project. It is for you contact your developers as often as is necessary. English is the language of both communication with our customers and all documentation. Everyone in our team is fluent in English.
At LEADconcept quality is a main priority. We do everything to ensure our customer satisfaction. We have developed and introduced strict internal Quality Management Control Procedures that has brought together a number of rigorous quality assurance and testing procedures. Customer receives Alpha and Beta versions of the code for their own internal testing and approval.
Our customers are from Europe, USA, Canada and all around the world. We are ready to provide you with references from our customers if you need information. Please see our clients section and read testimonials or contact our customers to find out more about our work.
We provide 5 months FREE support on the completion of project. After that, you may extend this period of support, depending on your need
Please contact us and find out more about LEADconcept and how we can help you in your e-business!